Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey that each one of us must take. This journey has many stops and roadblocks. There are times its harder to get to where you wanted to go because of roadblocks. You get weary, lose hope and even give up at some time. Life seems so hard for some of us. This may be because they find it hard to have answers on their questions. They lack perseverance and determination to find these answers and most importantly - hard work. We do not live our lives just waiting for good things to happen, we work hard to have them.

People work to earn money so that he can buy food, clothing and things that would make his life convenient and comfortable. If people won't work, then how can he get himself survive everyday? Every day is a challenge for all of us. Each of us must work it out - to survive. Even though people would describe life as an everyday struggle, then we should live with it. This is  why we are here living, to explore and appreciate life even though it could mean pushing yourself to strive and work hard.  

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