Martes, Agosto 2, 2011

Social Media Sites: Connecting People

The 21st century is a completely different age. When it comes to technological advancement this age has a lot to offer. Way back before, the way people live is far different from what people have today. For instance, I remember when my grandmother told me that they used to live with no electricity before, just a candle lighting the whole house. But then today, life is completely different. Now we enjoy electricity, we can watch television when we want to or sleep comfortably with air con or electric fan cooling our room. Who does not like gadgets? Laptops, MP4, iPhone and a lot more. With these, life is exciting. These are all because of the technological advancement and the people behind these creations.

Along with hi-tech gadgets came the birth of social media sites. Social media sites upon it was introduced to people became an instant success. With it's user friendly features, fast dissemination of information and real time updates, it's no wonder why people won't use social media sites in their everyday lives. These sites allows a person to post and update his status, share files and comment on someone's message. People are attracted to this kind of stuff because there is fun. Freedom to post your opinions, share what you feel and make new friends - this are all in social media sites. Social media sites bridge the gap between races, crossing oceans and seas with just sitting in a chair and using a computer. Social media sites also bridge the gap of young and old generations of people. Anyone can use these sites whether you are young or old, male or female.


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