Biyernes, Hulyo 29, 2011

The Era of Social Media

We live in a world far from what we knew long ago. Technology paved way to a much easy and comfortable life. The world is becoming more advance when it comes to infrastructure, communication, machineries and gadgets. These are because of the power of the human mind. We are used to have these things all around us. Who wouldn't be? This changes our lives in a positive way wherein we live our lives now with convenience. We no longer have to experience what our grandmothers and grandfathers experienced before. 

One amazing creation of our time are social networking sites. Social networking sites define the word fun, freedom to express one's opinions and feelings. These are the reasons why these sites are gaining popularity world wide. Updates in real time, user friendly features and chat enabled - these are some of what social networking sites can offer to it's users. Moreover, it also allow users to invite and make friends to other people in other parts of the world. Communication using these social networking sites is fast and easy. There's more.. These sites are free! This is the primary reason why so many users engage in social networking sites. It's fun and absolutely free!;u=137518;sa=summary

Simply Twitter

At first, maybe you are skeptical and unsure of using Twitter. Maybe you find it awkward and beyond your definition of why a user should send updates to his follower on Twitter. When I say updates, this could mean anything - updates about the food you eat earlier today, how good looking your crush is and any events in your life. You might wonder before how Twitter will be useful and helpful in your life. For sure when Twitter first introduced, user are hesitant to try and use it. But then, here's what people missed about Twitter. Twitter lets user send updates about anything under the sun to his friends/followers in real time. Sounds cool huh? Yes, in real time.

By using Twitter, your followers can get a glimpse of your life, about your thoughts and opinions and the things you do. Users can reach famous celebrities and politicians using Twitter - an opportunity to know what their idols are doing for the moment and a chance to know the latest updates from them. This is very cool and amazing! In the business sector, Twitter is an important toll for them. How? Well, companies use Twitter to reach and send information to customers and to build brand.

Today, Twitter has achieved it's goals and is making a mark in our society and to our individual lives. In years to come I am sure Twitter will do more.

Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Social Media and the Society

social mediaSocial media is a powerful and influential platform today. Social media by definition are media for social interaction using communication techniques that are accessible to users. Sites we have today like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and a lot more are examples of social media. During the 1990's, social media sites are not that popular. People only knew a little and have no idea how it will be a part of their lives 10 years after. 

social mediaSocial media sites affect the society by introducing new ways of socializing to other people. By just using a computer and accessing the Internet, an individual can be able to know other races, can travel in different countries and can interact with other people in real time. Social media sites is the place where people gather, talk, play games, post updates, pictures or videos. This is the place where they can be what they want to be, to express their thoughts and opinions. Furthermore, communication through social media sites is fast and accessible. You do not need to pay for high telephone or mobile fees. The society is able to adopt to this kind of technology or shall we call it change. People in all ages use social media sites for different reasons. Whatever these reasons are, it brought dramatic change to everyone's lives.;u=84414;sa=summary

Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

Social Media Sites and the Youth Today

social networking
We can define today's generation of young people as conscious of themselves as well as to the things happening around them, open minded, independent and ideological. Young people are far different today from what society known them before. A lot of things contributed to these changes. Technology I thing is the primary contributing factor. Technology does not die, rather, it grows as time passes by, becoming influential in certain ways. How technology influenced young people today can be explain in several points. 
Looking back during the time of our grandparents, everything is different. Before they used to have dinner with just a candle lighting the whole house. Before they have no television, only radio. No cellphones, Internet and laptops. But today, we almost have everything. We do not worry about transportation today as well as in communication. These are all because of the advancement of technology. Internet is one of the acclaimed creation of today's time. Along the birth of the Internet came social networking sites. These social networking sites dynamically changes the lives of young people. Social networking sites affect young people in terms of socializing and interacting with other people and in expressing themselves. Social networking sites are already part their lives. They live with it.;u=679405;sa=summary;u=24735;sa=summary;sa=summary;u=84;sa=summary;u=218417;sa=summary


Martes, Hulyo 26, 2011

Building Brand Using Social Media Sites

What companies are up to right now is finding new ways or strategies on how to build their brand and for people to know them. With so many businesses fighting to be on top, the competition is tough. Only those who have the best business solutions will survive and will definitely win the game.

The Internet is a very efficient and useful tool. Without this, businesses will be stagnant and paralyzed. Companies see the power of the Internet to reach people around the globe and for them, will be an effective tool to use in brand marketing. Social media sites are the latest trend today. People of all ages use these sites to interact with other people, to search information and to share their ideas and opinions. Companies thought it would be an advantage to reach this crowd. Since there are millions of Internet users worldwide, the online world is worth to be discovered and treasured by these companies. In order to build brand, companies use social media sites by creating fan pages and accounts to these sites wherein they can post updates about their recent products or services. The crowd can then post comments or send queries or feedback in response.;u=317;sa=summary;area=summary;u=227;area=summary;u=1660;area=summary;u=3537;u=37022;sa=summary

Sabado, Hulyo 23, 2011

SEO in Business

SEO plays an important role in business today. Online business keeps a website for the public to have an easy access to the products and services. This website is also a way for companies to introduce to the public who they are and the company's goals and objective. For this website to be accessible to the public it needs to be visible at all times in search engine results like for example in Google and Yahoo. To be able to do this, back links pointing back to the website is necessary to increase its ranking in search engines. Search engine optimization is all about building quality back links using organic method with a purpose of improving the site's visibility in search engine. 

With so many companies competing how to market their products to people, it is the survival of the fittest. Companies brainstorm on what is the most suitable and effective strategy for them. A website is the window of the company to the online world. Having a website is a good idea, reaching online users without any constraints in time for the World Wide Web never sleeps. Somehow it is useless for a company to have a website that is not visible to search engines, this will yield no result. Search engine optimization is the answer to this problem.;sa=summary;u=295;sa=summary;area=summary;u=18073;u=22154;sa=summary;u=3346;sa=summary;u=61631;sa=summary

Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

Social Media Sites: Connecting People

social media
The 21st century has a lot to offer. Today's generation is enjoying the technological innovations created by man. All these great accomplishments, people now live in modernize civilization. No worries about communication for we have mobile phones and Internet. Transportation in today's time is fast and accessible to all. How people live their lives is far different from how people before live theirs.

Social media sites came along with the modernization. Social media sites can be considered as on the greatest accomplishment of the 21st century. These sites gained popularity around the globe. People have been using these sites in their daily living, as if its already a part of their lives. People have been using social media sites like Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, Facebook and a lot more for different reasons. Some use these sites to express themselves, to mingle with other people while some use these sites for communication purposes. 

social media
In Facebook, for example, users can post updates of anything and share it to his friends. His friends can then like or unlike and even comment on that particular post. Facebook is also chat enabled. With these feature, a user can send instant messages to someone he knows. Social media sites connected people around the globe. Bridging different races and cultures. Furthermore, these sites disseminate information fast and easy. Social media sites are indeed another useful creation of the 21st century.;u=8802;sa=summary;area=summary;u=1835;u=138125;sa=summary;area=summary;u=1643

Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

Dog Whisperer

As I watch television after dinner, I was dazzled by this one particular TV program in National Geographic, its Dog Whisperer. At first I wonder how this shows works. Are they gonna feature souls of dogs? That's what I just thought since I am also an avid fan of Ghost Whisperer. The names are almost the same, the "whisperer". As I manage to sit in the couch, I can't barely remove my eyes from the screen as I watch the show. I am amazed to know that dogs have their own problems too and it's kinda cute. I remember one episode where they feature a dog that is obsess with rocks. I just keep laughing seeing the dog play with the rock and barks when the rock is being taken away from him. The dog treats the rock as its toy, its comfort.

The dog expert Cesar Millan is really talented. Acquiring such talent and skill to make a certain dog behave. Well, he went on different trainings I guess. He has years of experience in handling dogs. He is a friend of all dogs. He can tame aggressive pitbulls and bulldogs. I just can't get enough of him, I want to see more of his acts and of course the dogs.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 20, 2011

Freshman Year

One of the most unforgettable experience anyone could have in school is the freshman year. You step into this whole new environment, everything's new and you see new faces. Excitement as well as fear engulfs you. Its time to make new friends and acquaintances, meet new classmates and its also the time to meet the teachers. Freshman year is all about discovering, learning and facing the next stage of your life.

Students make a lot of adjustments during these times. Sadness or loneliness fill their spirits, sometimes they cry while others tend to enjoy the new environment they're into. Some make friends very quickly while others find it hard to do so. Freshman year is a time to learn independence. This is the time for students to do the things on their own. Since most universities or colleges are in the urban areas, students from nearby towns or provinces live in a boarding house. Living in a totally different environment make these students learn how to be independent. They decide on their own, do the laundry all by themselves and do all the school assignments and research without getting a help from their parents. Yes, it's hard but in the end these experiences will make them stronger and wiser. After all, this is only the beginning of the journey, after graduation there's more to come.  

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

Twitter Today

Social media sites like Twitter is so popular nowadays. It became an instant hit to people of all ages. Celebrities, politicians, athletes and even ordinary people all go by the trend - they all have Twitter accounts. Why Twitter gained so many users? The answer is in its name itself - Twitter.

Years ago, social media sites are not that popular compared today. People before are already satisfied using emails and browsing the net. Then one day, a certain man thought about what if people could send updates of anything in real time to his friends? Like for example an update about the breakfast he had? This sounds ridiculous, people may think. But this is how Twitter was created. Now people had changed their perception about the concept of Twitter. Twitter for them is an important tool in their lives. Being able to send updates in real time and follow any person they like. Yes, in real time. This is cool, right? 

In the world of business Twitter is valuable and a key to their marketing and advertising campaigns. How? By having a Twitter account, companies post daily updates about their products or services, introducing it to the public. Then if a certain person likes it, he can follow that certain Twitter account. In short companies advertise their products and make sales via Twitter. Furthermore, Twitter is free and has millions of users around the globe. Companies have all these reasons to use Twitter as part of their advertising and marketing strategies. 

Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2011

Jewels of Life


Life is precious. Every one of us is given a life - a life to explore the world, to learn, to love and to enjoy. People give different meanings to life. Same say its a blessing while some may say its a curse. There are several factors that affect the judgment and perception of people to life. If you will ask a wealthy person, "How's life?", he will surely answer you in this manner: "It's wonderful, I've got everything I ask for. I have money. I can buy what I want." But if you will ask a poor man he will surely answer you, "Nothing, I've got nothing. Living is hard." See? Every one of us has its own definition of what life is. 

This world set a standard of living. If you're rich then you're lucky. If you're influential and powerful then you can control people. Wealth and power - these are the two main factors that influence how people see life. If you have none of these, then you're on the last row and those who have money and power stands on the first row. 

If man will measure life the way how the world sees it then you are missing something. The jewels of life, the true happiness cannot be found in money or in being the most powerful and influential man in the world. Well, you will definitely have lots of admirers and friends if you have money and power. But if all of these will be gone, will you still have admirers or friends that will stand beside you? No matter how poor you are, for sure your family will always be around to help and support you. A loving family, your husband or wife, your children, your father and mother as well as your siblings - they are the true jewels of life. Their love will help you make it through no matter how hard life is. 

Huwebes, Hulyo 14, 2011

Kill the Boredom

When all you hear is silence and you find yourself in solitary, its boring right? Finding things to do but you find none at all. For the whole day you just sit on a couch staring at the empty ceiling of your room. Boredom..yes it is. It's killing you, you want to scream or cry. Boredom is totally eating all of you.

When boredom strikes, you must know how to deal with it. Or rather you should know how to get rid of it or let's just say kill the boredom. Boredom can be overcome by focusing your attention to an environment where you can interact with other people. Say for example, a conversation with friends, neighbors or family members. Instead of spending your time alone, learn to mingle with others. Diverting from a solitary environment to an environment that allows you to chat with others will be helpful. Another thing that can help kill the boredom within you is by keeping yourself busy. Doing things that you like will surely erase the boredom within you. If you want to play video games then go ahead or if you want to be useful then do some house chores. There are a lot of solutions to boredom. All you need to do is to sort things out and know the things that make you happy and go for it!     

Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

Marketing Using Social Media Sites

We are now in an era of modernity. When it comes to technological advancement, the 21st century has a lot to offer. Compared to previous generation, the way we live and do business today is far different from the world our grandparents used to live before. Communication is fast and easy today, we have mobile phones and emails. There is also changes in transportation today. Before people used to travel by bicycles or trains but today we have fast trains, airplanes and ships that only takes few hours to take you to your destination. People now live in comfort and these are all because of technological innovations created by men.

In the world of business, technology did alter how the system works here. First, when computers where invented, paper works became easy. There is no need for typewriters. Data can now be stored as soft copies in computers limiting the use of papers for filing and storing piles of data. When Internet become popular,the world of business also undergo some changes when it comes to their marketing and advertising strategies. Along the birth of the Internet comes social media sites. These social media sites are vastly used by people today. It's as if social media sites are already part of their lives. Social media sites is used by companies today as a tool in their marketing strategies. How? Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Youtube is used by companies to reach customers all over the globe. They create accounts in these sites and then introduce their products or services by posting relevant information, videos, etc.  

What's good about social media sites is that companies can target the market or customers they want to sell their products to. Furthermore, companies can create fan pages where customers can like the products or services being offered, ask questions and can make a comment. Social media sites allow the exchange of information between a company and customers that makes it easy and convenient for both parties to do business. Lastly, social media sites are a big help for companies because most of these sites are free thus saving a lot of money and limiting the expense in marketing.;sa=summary


Saving the Culture

Every individual living in this globe was born in an environment where culture exists. Culture as we all know is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. Every single living individual live with this. Every nation has its own unique culture that is worthy to be treasured. Every nation is known for their extra ordinary customs and traditions.

Culture is passed from generation to generation. From our grandparents and parents to us today and someday will pass this to our children and grandchildren too. Time plays an important and vital role in the existence of culture. Culture in every generation seems to change. What our grandparents have before is different from what we have today. Time definitely altered culture. This is the main reason why the customs and traditions our grandparents have before seem not to matter at all to us today. Another factor that contributes to this change is technology. The 21st century is the century of innovations and people are also technologically wiser today. With the technological advancement happening today, people are entering into a different kind of lifestyle. New life, new perspective in life. Some may say, "Why dwell in the past when we have the future?". With this statement, people today is looking brightly at the future and leaving behind what is in the past. Sad to say many of us deny and forget the culture we have.


Culture is as fragile as a glass that needs care and attention. For when it is broken, it's not easy to bring it back to it's original shape and condition. When it is broken, it losses it's beauty and can not be single handedly fix by just one person. To restore its original beauty, cooperation from many is needed, all must work on it. Each of us must appreciate our culture. Although we live in a different environment today far different from what our grandparents have before, we should still live along with our culture.;u=287802;sa=summary;area=summary;u=204;u=302;sa=summary;u=2982;sa=summary;area=summary;u=1090;u=116467;sa=summary;u=19139;sa=summary;area=summary;u=2293


Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011

SEO to You

Search engine optimization by definition is the process of improving the visibility of web pages to search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo through organic optimization. If a certain web page can be seen in search engine search results often specifically in the first page, more visitors will likely visit the said page. Say when a user key in a word or a phrase in search engine and presses enter, results of that keyed in word or phrase will appear, that is how SEO works. SEO is important for companies and Internet marketers. Because of SEO, the sites will appear frequently in search results and for companies this means more money and income. Users who frequently see the website in the first page of search engines will gain more visitors. They need their website to be on top of others to beat the competition and to gain most of the benefits.

On the other side, another kind of SEO technique today is what we called black hat SEO that focuses on spam indexing. This kind of technique uses link farms keyword stuffing and article spin. Using this technique can degrade the value or relevance of search results. There are link associates or SEO companies who uses this kind of technique. So it is always advised to for companies who used to hire SEO companies for their services to be cautions and choose a reliable and trusted SEO companies. Using black hat SEO have it's consequences that might get a web site banned.;u=88953;sa=summary;u=667;sa=summary;u=356234;sa=summary;u=425376;sa=summary;u=208748;sa=summary;u=2416;sa=summary;area=summary;u=10974