Biyernes, Hulyo 29, 2011

Simply Twitter

At first, maybe you are skeptical and unsure of using Twitter. Maybe you find it awkward and beyond your definition of why a user should send updates to his follower on Twitter. When I say updates, this could mean anything - updates about the food you eat earlier today, how good looking your crush is and any events in your life. You might wonder before how Twitter will be useful and helpful in your life. For sure when Twitter first introduced, user are hesitant to try and use it. But then, here's what people missed about Twitter. Twitter lets user send updates about anything under the sun to his friends/followers in real time. Sounds cool huh? Yes, in real time.

By using Twitter, your followers can get a glimpse of your life, about your thoughts and opinions and the things you do. Users can reach famous celebrities and politicians using Twitter - an opportunity to know what their idols are doing for the moment and a chance to know the latest updates from them. This is very cool and amazing! In the business sector, Twitter is an important toll for them. How? Well, companies use Twitter to reach and send information to customers and to build brand.

Today, Twitter has achieved it's goals and is making a mark in our society and to our individual lives. In years to come I am sure Twitter will do more.

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