Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2011

Jewels of Life


Life is precious. Every one of us is given a life - a life to explore the world, to learn, to love and to enjoy. People give different meanings to life. Same say its a blessing while some may say its a curse. There are several factors that affect the judgment and perception of people to life. If you will ask a wealthy person, "How's life?", he will surely answer you in this manner: "It's wonderful, I've got everything I ask for. I have money. I can buy what I want." But if you will ask a poor man he will surely answer you, "Nothing, I've got nothing. Living is hard." See? Every one of us has its own definition of what life is. 

This world set a standard of living. If you're rich then you're lucky. If you're influential and powerful then you can control people. Wealth and power - these are the two main factors that influence how people see life. If you have none of these, then you're on the last row and those who have money and power stands on the first row. 

If man will measure life the way how the world sees it then you are missing something. The jewels of life, the true happiness cannot be found in money or in being the most powerful and influential man in the world. Well, you will definitely have lots of admirers and friends if you have money and power. But if all of these will be gone, will you still have admirers or friends that will stand beside you? No matter how poor you are, for sure your family will always be around to help and support you. A loving family, your husband or wife, your children, your father and mother as well as your siblings - they are the true jewels of life. Their love will help you make it through no matter how hard life is. 

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