Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

Saving the Culture

Every individual living in this globe was born in an environment where culture exists. Culture as we all know is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. Every single living individual live with this. Every nation has its own unique culture that is worthy to be treasured. Every nation is known for their extra ordinary customs and traditions.

Culture is passed from generation to generation. From our grandparents and parents to us today and someday will pass this to our children and grandchildren too. Time plays an important and vital role in the existence of culture. Culture in every generation seems to change. What our grandparents have before is different from what we have today. Time definitely altered culture. This is the main reason why the customs and traditions our grandparents have before seem not to matter at all to us today. Another factor that contributes to this change is technology. The 21st century is the century of innovations and people are also technologically wiser today. With the technological advancement happening today, people are entering into a different kind of lifestyle. New life, new perspective in life. Some may say, "Why dwell in the past when we have the future?". With this statement, people today is looking brightly at the future and leaving behind what is in the past. Sad to say many of us deny and forget the culture we have.


Culture is as fragile as a glass that needs care and attention. For when it is broken, it's not easy to bring it back to it's original shape and condition. When it is broken, it losses it's beauty and can not be single handedly fix by just one person. To restore its original beauty, cooperation from many is needed, all must work on it. Each of us must appreciate our culture. Although we live in a different environment today far different from what our grandparents have before, we should still live along with our culture. 



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